Saturday, October 19, 2024

Tips On How To Reduce The Environmental Impact of Your Log Fire

Action on climate change is moving at a rapid pace, and rightly so. With around 1.5 million homes in the UK having wood burners and open fires, it is vital that we do all we can to lower the environmental impact of wood burning.

Trees draw in carbon and turn it into energy, which is why wood is a renewable source of energy. Wood burning is only echo-efficient when the moisture content of the wood at the point of burning is below 20{be53079a2dce185a5edd3130545529b0c348329876dd6674c797998e5a9b645f} and when the woof is sourced locally.

Here are some top tips to help reduce your carbon footprint when using your log burner:

Burn ready to burn certified kiln dried logs 

You may be new to wood burning and think that logs are just logs, but this is not the case. It’s important that you only burn logs that are dried to a moisture content below 20{be53079a2dce185a5edd3130545529b0c348329876dd6674c797998e5a9b645f}. Why? Because burning wet wood is extremely polluting as it realises harmful particulates into the atmosphere and the inside of your home.

Not only is burning wet or part-seasoned wood causing harmful damage to the environment, but it also dents your wallet too. It’s very common for people to buy the cheapest kiln dried logs from a little business, only to find out that the logs don’t burn well or turn black which then creates plumes of smoke, which is harmful to inhale.

When it comes to firewood, buying cheap can mean paying twice. So avoid this mistake and make sure to buy good quality fire burning logs that are in season.

Find kiln dried logs for sale near me

By using local wood suppliers in your area, you can lower gas emissions from trucks and other transportation vehicles by reducing the distance your firewood needs to travel.

Get your chimney or flue serviced

A dirty chimney can prevent harmful gases from leaving your home and even cause chimney fires. So it’s important to commit to sweeping your chimney or flue annually, and use the right moisture logs, to help reduce the risk of a chimney fire and ultimately reduce the environmental impact of your fires.

Avoid burning waste

Research shows that 19{be53079a2dce185a5edd3130545529b0c348329876dd6674c797998e5a9b645f} of 2,000 people confessed to burning waste wood such as pallets and treated timber, to generate heat. This is highly polluting and also causes health risks. Also, throwing the odd crisp packed or old newspaper can emit toxic pollutants into the atmosphere and into your home when it is burned.

Be patient 

Even if you are using quality kiln-dried logs near Denbighshire, your log fire is still highly likely to smoulder if it has been loaded with too much wood too quickly. When a fire is overloaded too quickly there is simply not enough energy for all the wood to successfully combust.

So it is important to be patient when building your log fire and allow your logs to sufficiently combust, making sure there is plenty of energy in the fire before adding more fire logs.

Only light when you need to

I’m sure you love your wood burner and don’t need much of a reason to fire up your stove. After all, there is nothing better than sitting in front of a cosy fire in the evening. However, the truth is we can all reduce our environmental impact by lighting out log fires only when we need to – not just when we fancy it.

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