Friday, October 18, 2024

Some Important Steps to Take Care of Home during the Pandemic

Everyone is aware of the dangers of the pandemic (Covid-19). During such a time of crisis, it is very important to keep not only ourselves safe but also take proper care of our home and clean it regularly. The primary care that one needs to follow is- regularly wash hands with a good liquid soap. People should not use soap and they should use liquid soap. The reason for this is that there are other family members also who wash hands. So, using a bar of soap is not that feasible as the residues (i.e. germs) from others hand settles on the soap. Therefore, it is suggested that one must always use liquid soap and mostly Dettol.

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Mop the House Twice & Sanitize – 

Next, people should take Proper care for Home, which includes mopping the house with hard saltwater or with a Dettol based phenyl. If there is any member of the home who is frequently going outside, then you should mop the house twice. Apart from that, there are good sanitizer sprays that are available which you can buy and spray twice inside your home. Cleaning the door handles and locks including the keys are very important. It is also better and safe to sanitize the newspapers.

Always use Salts to Clean the Vegetables

People should do the same for their loos also. It should also be clean including the washbasins. If possible, you can use camphor balls or naphthalene balls for your washbasins, not the commode. These balls have a pungent smell and it can kill the bacteria. To be extra careful and take precautions you can wash the vegetables and fruits properly and use salts to wash them. Do not buy any liquid from markets for cleaning the fruits and vegetables, because people do not know how it is made? whether it has some chemical base or not.

Use Sanitizers & Tissues

So, you can use salts to clean the vegetables and fruits. Using sanitizer regularly by all the family members is a must. Always carry some tissues in case if you or any of your family members sneezes. Do not use a handkerchief, and if using make sure to wash it properly and use the sanitizing liquid. Tissues are easy to use and dispose of. Plus, the sanitizer which you are using should be alcohol-based, because alcohol-based sanitizers are effective. It is also better to keep a social distance at home. And take extreme care for any kind of cold or cough symptoms.

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